Recuitment: Looking for background artist(s) CLOSED

edit: we got a BG artist. Just keeping this up for ref. for her. ❤

MC (main character)

  1. MC housefront of house. (2 story house) (day/night. snow/no snow)
  2. street.(like…her neighorhood street or something) (day/night snow/no snow)
  3. house entrance. ( the door and stuff) (day/night)
  4. living room (day/night)
  5. kitchen/dining room.
  6. hallway.
  7. MC bedroom. (not too girly…nothing pink/purple. maybe kinda messy? looks lived-in teenagers room.) (day/night)


  1. gate/entrance (far away shot) (fancey brass gate) (morning/day/night snow/no snow)
  2. school front (close up shot) (the school is one of those old looking schools made out of bricks looks something like this: … dingHS.jpg ) (snow/no snow day/night)
  3. courtyard (thats like a patio area.. has benches maybe a gazeebo/fountain… kind of an outdoor place for the students to hang out) (snow/no snow)
  4. track (school track..for the track team) (snow/no snow)
  5. rear or side of the school.
  6. an old abandoned outside basketball court.
  7. hallway (w/lockers) (day/night)
  8. stairway.
  9. admins office. (MUST have a picture of a girl with a plant stragetically placed to cover her name/face)
  10. computer room.
  11. library.
  12. classroom. (day/night)
  13. clubroom. (has a couch in the back, a longer table with chairs, a bookcase on one side, and a smaller desk with a computer.. also maybe a window(s)) (day/night)
  14. cafeteria.
  15. rooftop.
  16. gym. (w/ basketball court)


  1. shopping area. (outside) (like you know an outside place with differentstores) (snow/no snow day/night)
  2. bookstore.
  3. study area of bookstore (with like a table/bookshelf/etc…could also be used for library study area)
  4. athletic store.
  5. alleyway. (like the back of houses) (with a trashcan or two)
  6. amusement park.
  7. amusement park entrance.
  8. park. (snow/no snow)
  9. cafe/resturant.
  10. subway.
  11. supermarket.
  12. a big room full of people and computers like this ( its for a computer game competition.
  13. another computer competition one but with like a stage like this (

DASHBOARD (dashboard is the name of the bar/hangout for the characters)

  1. the dashboard front (old abandoned bar. very run down on the outside…has bushes/weeds/etc…covering it, cant enter from front) (snow/no snow day/night)
  2. dashboard kitchen (nice normal looking kitchen maybe resturant style?)
  3. podcast room (its a small basement with a table and chairs. mics are placed on the table. maybe a light somewhere too? like above? kind of a dark-lit room >_> maybe some boxes in the corner.)
  4. outside shot of dashboard burnt down/crumbled. (like someone exploaded it >_> ) (no snow)
  5. a small room with beanbags, tv, game consols. like a little hangout place.
  6. the inside of the bar. it looks like a bar has the counter and in the back a shelf with drinks (non-alcoholic) and glasses. also booths and stuff too.


  1. chris house. (mansion)
  2. ballroom. (with a stage…really fancy)
  3. chris bedroom. (rich boys room so make it kind of big and fancy but still look like a boys room.)
  4. grandmas house. (country-style) (kind of a quaint house)
  5. grandmas living room. (uhm…well kinda looks like an old ladies neat, kind of old looking, but maybe has a modern tv or something lol)
  6. eva’s bedroom. (girls bedroom…make it kind of cute..)
  7. masons front of house. (2 stories. ill leave it up to you how you want it to look like)
  8. masons bedroom (boyish/sportsy/basketball)
  9. alice’s living room. (normal looking)
  10. alice’s bedroom. (very girly and pink and purple. w/ stuffed animals)
  11. jeremys room. (With action figures sitting on top of comic books, two PC’s (Desktop on one corner, laptop on a seperate table. kind of looks like a little boys room >_> )
  12. jeremys living room.
  13. jeremys kitchen (w/ cofee maker shown somewhere)
  14. Mr. martin’s apartment (outside like his door or something)
  15. Mr. Martin’s living room (normal looking maybe kind of bare?)

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